Are you transferring your
files from S.R. Law, LLC?
If you are transferring your files from S.R. Law, LLC you will need
to request your files directly from S.R. Law, LLC by email or phone.
Use the button below to automatically create a draft email for
your request or compose your own email.
Please direct all requests to office@srlawllc.com.
You may also call S.R. Law, LLC at 724.794.2929.
Are you looking to transfer
to Molloy Law, LLC?
If you would like to transfer your file to Molloy Law, LLC, please complete
and submit the File Release Document. This document will
authorize Molloy Law, LLC to request your file from your current firm
and transfer it to Molloy Law, LLC.
Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to fill and sign form electronically.
Click here to download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Email signed document to info@molloylawllc.com
or mail to P.O. Box 687, Grove City, PA 16127
All client files will be transferred by way of secure electronic file transfer using SMOKEBALL software.
View the SMOKEBALL security policy for more information.